Liver Normal size shape and parenchymal attenuation are seen No spaceoccupying lesion is detected the hepatic veins portal vein and their branches are patent
Bile ducts and Gallbladder No dilatation of intrahepatic bile duct or common bile duct is observed the gallbladder is nomally distended without stone or enhancing mass
Spleen Normal size spleen is seen without space occupying lesion
Pancreas Normal size contour and parenchymal enhancement are observed No mass or ductaldilatation is demonstrated
Adrenal glands No adrenal mass is noted
KUB system Both kidneys are of normal size and enhancement Few calyceal stone scattered in both kidneys are seen There are also several tiny cysts in both kidneys No hydronephrosis is seen The urinary
bladder shows smooth thin wall without mass
Pelvic organs The uterus is of normal size There are multiple hypoenhancing uterine mass possibly myoma size up to 3.2*3.4*3.1 cm Both ovaries are within normal limits
GL tract No mass or thickened wall of the stomach and bowel loops is detected
Lymph nodes No Iymphadenopathy is seen
Peritoneum No ascites is present
Fony structure No suspicious bone destruction is observed
Included basal lungs Neither discrete pulmonary nodule nor pleural effusion is noted
Few calyceal stones in both Kidneys
Several tiny cysts in both kidneys
Multiple hypoenhancing uterine mass possibly myoma size up to 3.2*3.4*3.1 cm