The angry heartless butcher dance an arm, is whipping to Chen Xiang carelessly.
The skill of Chen Xiang detain heartless butcher, to the chest of heartless butcher is being a palm, bang, the deafening sound horizon, sees only the back of heartless butcher spout blood fog, was given the engine'knock' by Chen Xiang with the strong strength unexpectedly!
Looks at heartless butcher back that bloody big hole, people cannot help but creepy feeling, the heartless butcher of Dugu Family that evil reputation remoteness, 2-3 had been solved unexpectedly, moreover everyone could see that Chen Xiang has not used the strongest strength, looks like looks like plays to be the same.
After the heartless butcher falls to the ground, has not died unexpectedly, suddenly held the ankle of Chen Xiang, moreover is healthy to emit black Qi, black Qi condenses in together, is very wild.
„Wants from exploding?” Chen Xiang explodes drinks one, foot such as the lightning thunder, Dragon Force wells up to the thigh on crazily, a fierce foot, kicks the arena the heartless butcher, falls in the side of Dugu Family that two person.
Meanwhile, the body of heartless butcher explodes suddenly, rolling thunders in the sky reverberates, that tall and strong stature turned into the innumerable hashed meat, the ground also much left a big hole, the lime soil that pounds is similar to the storm scrapes off to the four directions generally, but Dugu Family that two people are in an extremely difficult situation, the whole body bloodstain, was also bombed an arm.
„The Dugu Family reputation is always good, now makes the so despicable matter unexpectedly, yields mutually unexpectedly your puppets and others perishes together, the good despicable method, judges you to violate regulations now, not having the qualifications to continue again, hurries!” An old man voice ice-cold, is bringing anger.
Dugu Family that two men have not thought that Chen Xiang will respond is so prompt, and has used very suitable strength, kicks their side the corpse of heartless butcher intentionally, what most makes their indignant is, Chen Xiang has poured unexpectedly still into a stronger strength in the body of that heartless butcher, moreover accurate control that strength, making that strength not affect other people.
„Asks for trouble!” Du Yanyao sneers saying that she is happy, because Chen Xiang compares, made Dugu Family be annihilated, this can make them not use facing that many martial arts contests.
Now so long as they win again five, can defend the arena, enters the finals!
„Following gives me, you must keep the strength!” Du Yanyao gets on the martial arts contest stage, said to Chen Xiang.