From this study, the best quality of developed latent prints on wet non-porous surfaces in every type of soaking solution was obtained from SPR II, which contains molybdenum disulfide particles in 0.8% (v/v) tergitol NP-7 (detergent), and 1.05% (w/v) choline chloride, and the proportion of particles to detergent of 13.1. The average number of ridge counts obtained was 12.98 which is sufficient to allow identification of a given individual from the fingerprint in a forensic investigation, and the fingerprint image was nearly complete (moderate, ++). When the composition of SPR II, the best in this study, and SPR III, the best formula in a previous study(3) were compared, it was found that the type of particle (MoS2) and detergent (tergitol NP-7) were similar, as were the percentages of particles, detergent and the proportion of particle to detergent. The main difference between these two formulae then was the addition of 0.4% (w/v) choline chloride to SPR II. It is plausable then that the higher number of ridge counts in the developed latent print obtained from SPR II (12.98) compared to those detected with SPR III (10.25) is due to the presence of choline chloride.