Make sure your employees understand that they must look after their own safety. They must use and take care of the protective equipment and safety gear provided, and follow safety procedures.
Ensure employees understand they must not cause harm to any other person by either action or inaction.
Understand that employees are obligated not to undertake work which is unsafe or involves unsafe practices. If they identify a risk they must fix it or promptly tell their supervisor if they see something that is unsafe. If they require items of safety gear then they should tell you.
Accept your employee’s right to refuse to do work they believe is likely to cause serious harm to themselves or others.
Get employees to report every incident, including a near miss, so it can be recorded, investigated, and steps taken to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
Tell employees to inform you of any hazards they are aware of or that affect their work.
Give staff the opportunity to be involved in improving workplace health and safety.
Check that information and training provided has been understood.