Dionisio González works on deconstruction and reconstruction, the re-establishment of shape and it's meaning, the creative power of remains, new life through demolition. His sculptures portray these concepts through what could seem at first sight a series of frozen explosions.
Elegía 1938 was featured at ARCO 2008, Madrid, based on the real explosion of a hut filmed by Factum Arte.
Transfigured Schönberg, a second collaboration with Factum Arte, consists of a site-specific installation for Patio Herrerano, Valladolid (Spain), where a massive structure of over 300 speakers is suspended in the air while cables fall to the earth in an opposite demonstration of gravity, while a specially prepared soundtrack based on Arnold Schönberg's Transfigured Night fills the room.
3. this part i’m not able to translate; “(Facebook posts bad quality)”
4. “I’m Gelatina Royal ”