Recognizing the value and importance of their landscape, in 2002, the Trustees of Lakewood commissioned a team led by landscape architects to produce a Historic Landscape Report and comprehensive Landscape Master Plan. Their goal was to define the most important features of the cemetery and to guide future management and development. The problem confronting historic cemeteries nation-wide: how to generate continued revenue without impairing the values of their beloved landscapes.
This planning effort grew into a on-going relationship with the Garden Mausoleum, the largest of several implementation projects undertaken to date.
Working closely with the client, the landscape architect advised on the selection process for the architect and participated as a design team member from pre-design through completion. The result of this process is a profoundly integrated building and landscape design solution that transformed a deteriorated, “sunken” space, creating a poetic modern landscape offering solace and beauty in a setting rich with meaning.