My dear love...this is the moment of true... I have so much to tell you, I have so much questions to ask..let me start with the thing that I ,m so in love with you realy I do, such a fine woman like you it is the best thing happend till now in many years for me, what happend with us later I don,t know, but I will never forget you, but you already know that all, and yes I,m a good man for you, and you the best for me, of corse when it will happend I always take care for you, I have stil go work for 3 weeks ,than I have holydays, so what are we gonna do...I come to bangkok for a week ,then you bring me in to a hotel and you visit me for two or trhee days right? you take me to nice places in your city, or maybe the beach , and we go for swimming in the ocean, we togheter in the sea, we can do romantic things if you like me enough..or maybe even more than that, it is all so nice in my mind and in my dreams, but than there comes the moment I have to go home ...alone, you have to stay in bangkok, I go to the netherlands, and that was it?? I have learn a lot about your is a great place, you live in a beatyfull city, don,t you think so? there is everything you have need for a good life, you have a nice job, your own home, great friends, the tai food allover, you can go out for fun...Nradee this is your place to be, this is your world to live. tis is where you belong, I,m just a stuppide duch guy,a farang, but so in love on a beatyfull thai girl, this is so unfair, if I take you out of your world I bring you here to my holland, it is a small cold rainy boring dull place, there are very tight strikt rules for immigration, so much rules I can not even understand them all, you can stay here for trhee months with a visa (V.K.V visa schort stay) but when we do that you have to go back,...but than you lost you,r job in thailand !! an other option...M.V.V (long therm stay)...for that , 1: we have to be married, 2 : you have to do an examenation for speak dutch as obligation, and more rules and rules by law, so that is how to do to come in my country, it,s more easy to go in to belgium or germany, england, or maybe United States of America...why holland my dear love? it is so difficult to get here, it,s not fun anymore, I can go to thailand much easyer, and visit you...for a couple of times a year, but that is not realy a good relation, don,t you think?, I need a woman in my home who I can live with... ,eat sleep ,breakfast, make fun, kissing, make love, go shopping all that my love, just simply real living!!!, when I get you here have left your beatyfull Bangkok, you left all you,r good friends, you left your bangkok madness atmosfhere, the food on the streetwalk, you have no job anymore,...just me , when I,m home from work, in daytime you sitting here in the livingroom all alone and bored, Is that you,r new life to wish...WHY leaving bangkok!!! WHY!!..what is happend with you in the past, are you maybe to old for thaiman?? please I don,t are such a nice lovely dreamgirl, you can get what you want I think, you are still young ,competent ,hounest,.prety I DON,T want to make you UNhappy...sorry ,I love you to much for that...please understand my problem!!!
I have to dry my tears now....LOVE YOU FOR EVER NRADEE...I REALY DO!!!! don,t have to change...following you,r heart!! the world have to be change!
you,r man you,r friend for