During 1983-1984 a developmental psychologist (SG) was employed by the Health Services Research Unit1 (HSRU), on behalf of a special intervention program (33) at three Mother-Child Health (MCH, Tipat Chalav) clin- ics covering service for a small city (pop. approx. 20,000). Noting her presence in the clinics, the nursing staff often requested that she meet with women who seemed to be suffering what might be PPD, saying: “she hasn’t ‘returned’ to herself ”; “she isn’t relating to the baby,” etc. The nurses were disturbed by these cases and felt lacking in skills or resources to deal with them. The psychologist would meet these new mothers for short-term counsel- ing and/or referral to mental health clinics. When the psychologist moved on to other projects in the HSRU, she was contacted repeatedly by the same nurses, requesting advice on these suspected “PPD” cases.