In the future. All humans need to work as intended. For me, it has the ambition of working in the future as well. Dream work is my career.
Everybody will have a career yet, it must be learned before, which is to be used as an alternative career. I had a dream that I wanted to be a teacher. Because I love teaching, I intend to education and more knowledge is forever if there is time available to make yourself a bunch of accumulated knowledge over the years, I have come across with many things. Both want to meet. Do not want to meet or encounters. Cause I've been experiencing increasingly I collected for use in the future and bring it to tell the generations in the future. That we will do one thing, deliberately so. It must be something we are interested in, we are doing everything possible to make it a success, just like my dream. I must try to harvest knowledge and experience as much as possible, including patient and industrious, so will be a teacher, and a career that I have is to teach the students to the future of those bright kids.
We will do anything to succeed, we will need to have ambition, to the point. I will be fighting for the future of my career, my family, my future, so I will fight to the end and will not give it up for this success.