hi my name is linda sticky with clearly speaking you've just been hired at your dream job because you are bright extremely intelligent and great asset to the company but there's one problem english is not your native language
and although you have a fantastic command of the english language you continue to be difficult to understand when you speak most likely there are two reasons why this is happening despite your good english skills number one you have miss pronunciations of volitan confidence or number two the melody of american english and the rate of speech isn't quite right one of the most difficult tasks for foreigners to learn is distressed
patterns and melody of English inappropriate stress can change the entire word or sentenced sell much that
the messages unrecognizable to the listener in english sometimes a pitch rises and sometimes i pitch falls
sometimes we use loudness to stress words and lengthen vowel sounds to give words and syllables more emphasis we use smooth transitions between words these are all key components of american English be understood the ultimate guide for speaking fluent english deals with all the characteristics abnormality of speech
it helps non-native speakers speak more fluently by addressing the issues like stress in words and in sentences the rate of speech the linking of sounds and many other areas joined me on clearly dash speaking dot com