In practice, we find out that some ornamental fish culturists used
green algae Spirulina platensis to improve body color of fish such as
goldfish (Carassius auratus auratus), ornamental Cichlid (Cichlidae
sp.) and so on. On the other hand, we found that red color of kohaku
koi had been significantly improved by photosynthetic bacteria (Rhodopseudanonas palustris) when we splashed this bacteria liquid into
koi cultural ponds to improved the water quality of (Sun et al.,
2010). Based on the practice and above researches, the present
study evaluated the potential of these natural microorganisms, including S. platensis, single R. palustris, and effective microorganisms
including R. palustris, as sources of dietary pigments for coloring the
skin of Showa koi. These sources were compared to a
positive control of synthetic astaxanthin and a negative control, a diet with no pigment added.
In practice, we find out that some ornamental fish culturists usedgreen algae Spirulina platensis to improve body color of fish such asgoldfish (Carassius auratus auratus), ornamental Cichlid (Cichlidaesp.) and so on. On the other hand, we found that red color of kohakukoi had been significantly improved by photosynthetic bacteria (Rhodopseudanonas palustris) when we splashed this bacteria liquid intokoi cultural ponds to improved the water quality of (Sun et al.,2010). Based on the practice and above researches, the presentstudy evaluated the potential of these natural microorganisms, including S. platensis, single R. palustris, and effective microorganismsincluding R. palustris, as sources of dietary pigments for coloring theskin of Showa koi. These sources were compared to apositive control of synthetic astaxanthin and a negative control, a diet with no pigment added.
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