at the optimal potential of −0.10 V are shown in Fig. 5.When glucose was added into the stirred solution, the oxidationcurrent reached a steady-state value within 3 s. The calibrationcurve for the glucose sensor is shown in the inset of Fig. 5. Theelectrode has a linear concentration range of 0.10 −14.20 mM,a sensitivity of 73.60 A mM−1cm−2, and a detection limit of0.03 mM based on a signal to noise ratio of 3. And the linearconcentration range is suitable for the determination of glucoselevel of blood samples in both normal and pathological states.As listed in Table 2, the linear calibration range, detection limitfor glucose determination at the Pt0.7Co0.3/C electrode were com-parable or even better than those obtained at several electrodesreported recently. Especially, when Pt0.7Co0.3/C electrode was com-pared with PtCo-CD-1L/GCE [34], the former has low detection limitand simpler electrode structure. While Pt0.7Co0.3/C compared withPt–Co alloy [35], Pt0.7Co0.3/C has wider linear calibration range.Based on these results, the Pt0.7Co0.3/C electrode is promising foranalytical application.