Pandanus amaryllifolius has a number of local medicinal uses. In India, after soaking the leaves in coconut oil, the oil is employed as an embrocation for rheumatic troubles. Infusions of the leaves are used internally and externally as a sedative against restlessness. In Thailand it is a traditional medicine to treat diabetes .
Along with the aromatic properties, the leaves have compounds with antiviral and antioxidant properties. This species is also used in some traditional medicine such as remedy for toothache and for decreasing glucose concentration or hypoglycemic effect, the roots extract are used to cure thyroid problems. It is also used for preparing lotion along with ash and vinegar to treat measles, as purgative, in the treatment of leprosy, sore throat and as diuretic in Philippines. In addition, the Taiwanese always use this plant to treat fever. Tender shoots are directly eaten in the case of severe jaundice .