lung is a reasonable description of how the intact lower respiratory
system will respond to changes in pressure. We, therefore, estimated
PA,S in marine mammals using available P–V curves from
excised lungs. As the P–V curves show similar features in both harbour
porpoise (Kooyman and Sinnett, 1979) and California sea lion
(Denison et al., 1971), we decided to combine the information for
sea lion and harbour porpoise lungs to represent PA,S for a marine
mammal with an alveolar compartment of average compliance
lung is a reasonable description of how the intact lower respiratorysystem will respond to changes in pressure. We, therefore, estimatedPA,S in marine mammals using available P–V curves fromexcised lungs. As the P–V curves show similar features in both harbourporpoise (Kooyman and Sinnett, 1979) and California sea lion(Denison et al., 1971), we decided to combine the information forsea lion and harbour porpoise lungs to represent PA,S for a marinemammal with an alveolar compartment of average compliance
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