Dear All,
Due to a very, very poor performance of Productos Tubelaros (PT) for a Siemens job in the Netherlands we are faced with a claim from Siemens.
In short; PT delayed over 3 months, without any reasoning and without taking correct measures, refusing Siemens expeditors and VL employees to visit PT , PT didn’t produce materials as per our PO , etc. etc.
My expectation is that if we start claiming while having pending orders, PT will frustrate these orders and we will, in the end, harm our customers.
Therefore please follow below instructions:
• Do NOT send ANY purchase order to PT from this day on.
• IF you see no other option for your material demand, please contact me. We will try find alternative sources or re-route the order.
• Please inform me if you have any PO pending with a delivery time later than week 8 -2015
As soon as all pending PO’s have been delivered I will start discussing the claim.
If you know colleagues that are working with PT and are not included in this e-mail, please instruct them.