~Flash Back~
"Could anything be more beautiful than Equestria at night?" Just as I thought that I spotted a moon light silhouette aginst the night sky, and the owner of that silhouette apparently noticed me. The moment she landed, I got the answer to my earlier question. 'Yes, yes there is.' I quickly bowed. "P-Princess Luna! Greetings your highness." "GREETINGS TO YOU AS WELL. YOU MAY RISE." (Yeah thank goodness she eventually became comfortable enough around me to stop using the 'Royal Canterlot Voice'.) "What brings you out here your majesty?" "PLEASE LUNA IS MORE THAN ACCEPTABLE. AND AM I NOT ALOUD TO ENJOY MY NIGHTS?" "My apologies if I have offended you Pr...Luna, I was just curious. This hill is quite far from the castle. Oh, and I am (F/N)." Luna turned her head toward the sky, looking rather sad as she gave her response. "MY SISTER SPENDS MOST OF HER DAY BASKING IN THE ADMIRATION OF OUR SUBJECTS, ATTENDING TEA PARTYS, AND HAVING FUN. I FAIL TO SEE WHY I MUST BE LOCKED AWAY IN THE CASTLE WITH NOTHING TO DO!"
I smiled, and cautiously scooted closer to her. "Well it is a true shame that no pony else can admire the night as much as I do." She turned her head toward me, a look of surprise on her face. "Y-you like the night?" "There's nothing I look forward to more than exploring the nocturnal Equestria, and discovering all the incredible beauty and mystery with in it." I looked over to her and smiled. "And I have to say meeting my favorite Princess face to face trumps all the other surprises I've had so far." After that fateful encounter, we met up with eachother in various areas of Equestria every other day.
~Flash Back End~
Luna's POV:
I landed at the base of the hill (F/N) and I agreed to meet on, and snuck up behind him. As I got close I noticed he was staring off. That wasn't unusual, but most of the time it was the stars or moon he was looking at. This time it looked like he was off in his own little world. "BOOO!" I fell into the snow laughing after (F/N) leaped into the air, and screamed like a filly. He pulled himself together, and smiled as I took as seat next to him. "Happy Hearth's Warming Luna." "Happy Hearth's Warming to you as well (F/N). Why did you want to meet here?" "It seemed appropriate. This is where we first met, and it is Hearth's Warming."
I arched an eyebrow as he rose to his hooves, and cleared his throat. "Princess, I there's a song I want you to hear." I felt my cheeks burn, and tears run down my face as (F/N)'s song ended. "(F/N), that was beautiful!" "Not as beautiful as this." As he said that the field at the bottom of the hill became light by thousands of glowing pink heart shaped flowers. "Their called Hearth Blossoms. They only bloom once every hundred years at night on Hearth's Warming." (F/N) and I walked through the field being careful not to trample the flowers. "Princess, As awe inspiring as this is, you are far more breath taking. Others may look to Celestia, but it's their loss. I admired you before we met, and as we've been spending time together, I've realized that I love you." He picked a Hearths Blossom, and placed it behind my ear. I didn't think my coat could turn any more red than it did. "I love you my Princess, and I always will." I couldn't help myself as I leaned in, and kissed him all over his muzzle. "I Love you too (F/N)."
~Time Skip~
(F/N)'s POV:
After confessing our feelings, Luna and I cuddled, and talked for a while. "I've been wondering, why do you always run off an hour or two before the sun rises?" I let out a sigh, and looked out at the field. "After I was born, my father took me outside for the first time. I was too young to remember what happened, but I was told I let out the most horrific scream of pain any pony had ever heard. My legs all contracted toward my middle, and my coat started to fall out, as the skin under it burned and blistered. Later the doctors discovered I was cursed. Sun light is poison to me, and the longer I'm out in it the worse off I am."
~Short Time Skip~
"It's alright, but most of the time I think three fourths of the guards don't even know I exist." Luna finished telling me about life at the castle, and my eyes went wide. "LOOK OUT!" I yelled as a manticore appeared behind her. We managed to fight it off, but Luna wasn't looking so hot. "Luna are you alright?" "I-I got hit." She turned to show me a nasty looking puncture wound from where the manticore's tail hit her. I lowered myself, and Luna pulled herself onto my back. I was half way between the hill, and the nearest town when I heard Luna gasp. "Oh No!" I quickly became aware of what worried her as the sun began to rise.
I did my best to stick to the shadows as I ran, but the final stretch was completely open. 'She's more important!' I charged through the clearing as an indescribable pain shot through my body. All of my muscles tensed, as I pushed through the agony. From the look of her wound there wasn't much time left. It was still early when
~Flash Back~"Could anything be more beautiful than Equestria at night?" Just as I thought that I spotted a moon light silhouette aginst the night sky, and the owner of that silhouette apparently noticed me. The moment she landed, I got the answer to my earlier question. 'Yes, yes there is.' I quickly bowed. "P-Princess Luna! Greetings your highness." "GREETINGS TO YOU AS WELL. YOU MAY RISE." (Yeah thank goodness she eventually became comfortable enough around me to stop using the 'Royal Canterlot Voice'.) "What brings you out here your majesty?" "PLEASE LUNA IS MORE THAN ACCEPTABLE. AND AM I NOT ALOUD TO ENJOY MY NIGHTS?" "My apologies if I have offended you Pr...Luna, I was just curious. This hill is quite far from the castle. Oh, and I am (F/N)." Luna turned her head toward the sky, looking rather sad as she gave her response. "MY SISTER SPENDS MOST OF HER DAY BASKING IN THE ADMIRATION OF OUR SUBJECTS, ATTENDING TEA PARTYS, AND HAVING FUN. I FAIL TO SEE WHY I MUST BE LOCKED AWAY IN THE CASTLE WITH NOTHING TO DO!" I smiled, and cautiously scooted closer to her. "Well it is a true shame that no pony else can admire the night as much as I do." She turned her head toward me, a look of surprise on her face. "Y-you like the night?" "There's nothing I look forward to more than exploring the nocturnal Equestria, and discovering all the incredible beauty and mystery with in it." I looked over to her and smiled. "And I have to say meeting my favorite Princess face to face trumps all the other surprises I've had so far." After that fateful encounter, we met up with eachother in various areas of Equestria every other day.~Flash Back End~Luna's POV:I landed at the base of the hill (F/N) and I agreed to meet on, and snuck up behind him. As I got close I noticed he was staring off. That wasn't unusual, but most of the time it was the stars or moon he was looking at. This time it looked like he was off in his own little world. "BOOO!" I fell into the snow laughing after (F/N) leaped into the air, and screamed like a filly. He pulled himself together, and smiled as I took as seat next to him. "Happy Hearth's Warming Luna." "Happy Hearth's Warming to you as well (F/N). Why did you want to meet here?" "It seemed appropriate. This is where we first met, and it is Hearth's Warming." I arched an eyebrow as he rose to his hooves, and cleared his throat. "Princess, I there's a song I want you to hear." I felt my cheeks burn, and tears run down my face as (F/N)'s song ended. "(F/N), that was beautiful!" "Not as beautiful as this." As he said that the field at the bottom of the hill became light by thousands of glowing pink heart shaped flowers. "Their called Hearth Blossoms. They only bloom once every hundred years at night on Hearth's Warming." (F/N) and I walked through the field being careful not to trample the flowers. "Princess, As awe inspiring as this is, you are far more breath taking. Others may look to Celestia, but it's their loss. I admired you before we met, and as we've been spending time together, I've realized that I love you." He picked a Hearths Blossom, and placed it behind my ear. I didn't think my coat could turn any more red than it did. "I love you my Princess, and I always will." I couldn't help myself as I leaned in, and kissed him all over his muzzle. "I Love you too (F/N)."~Time Skip~(F/N)'s POV:After confessing our feelings, Luna and I cuddled, and talked for a while. "I've been wondering, why do you always run off an hour or two before the sun rises?" I let out a sigh, and looked out at the field. "After I was born, my father took me outside for the first time. I was too young to remember what happened, but I was told I let out the most horrific scream of pain any pony had ever heard. My legs all contracted toward my middle, and my coat started to fall out, as the skin under it burned and blistered. Later the doctors discovered I was cursed. Sun light is poison to me, and the longer I'm out in it the worse off I am." ~Short Time Skip~"It's alright, but most of the time I think three fourths of the guards don't even know I exist." Luna finished telling me about life at the castle, and my eyes went wide. "LOOK OUT!" I yelled as a manticore appeared behind her. We managed to fight it off, but Luna wasn't looking so hot. "Luna are you alright?" "I-I got hit." She turned to show me a nasty looking puncture wound from where the manticore's tail hit her. I lowered myself, and Luna pulled herself onto my back. I was half way between the hill, and the nearest town when I heard Luna gasp. "Oh No!" I quickly became aware of what worried her as the sun began to rise.I did my best to stick to the shadows as I ran, but the final stretch was completely open. 'She's more important!' I charged through the clearing as an indescribable pain shot through my body. All of my muscles tensed, as I pushed through the agony. From the look of her wound there wasn't much time left. It was still early when
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