Make sure that premedications are taken exactly as directed, both during and after Campath therapy, to help prevent infections
Ask the doctor before any other medications are taken, including over-the-counter medications such as aspirin
Because platelets may be temporarily reduced, your friend or loved one should avoid excess bleeding from small cuts by using an electric razor and a soft toothbrush
Avoid contact sports and activities that could lead to injury
Avoid any immunization with live viral vaccines while on Campath therapy. The safety of live viral vaccines with Campath has not been studied
Handwashing should be done often, since it's a simple but effective way to help reduce the risk of infection
Avoid people with coughs, colds, or other contagious infections
Get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, and eat healthy foods. It is best to avoid eating the skin of fresh fruits and vegetables, and to avoid unpasteurized milk, certain cheeses (ask the doctor), and undercooked meat or poultry
Record treatments, medications, and any side effects in the Campath Treatment Diary—a great place for you and/or your friend or loved one to take notes during doctor visits
Schedule regular follow-up visits with the doctor as he or she recommends, and comply with his or her requests for lab work
Talk to the doctor and nurse before, during, and after treatments. Ask questions and discuss your concerns. Tell them about any new symptoms or problems