This research was conducted to investigate the effects of different grinding techniques (dry, semi-wet and
wet) of milled rice grains on the damaged starch and particle size distribution of flour produced from a
new variety, MR263, specifically related to the pasting and thermal profiles. The results indicated that
grinding techniques significantly (p < 0.05) affected starch damage content and particle size distribution
of rice flour. Wet grinding process yields flour with lowest percentage of starch damage (7.37%) and finest
average particle size (8.52 lm). Pasting and gelatinization temperature was found in the range of
84.45–89.63 C and 59.86–75.31 C, respectively. Dry ground flour attained the lowest pasting and
gelatinization temperature as shown by the thermal and pasting profiles. Correlation analysis revealed
that percentage of damaged starch granules had a significant, negative relationship with pasting
temperature while average particle size distribution had a significant, strong negative relationship with