Great potential exists to reverse the loss of mangrove forestsworldwide through the application of basic principles of ecological
restoration using ecological engineering approaches, including careful cost evaluations prior to design and construction. Previous
documented attempts to restore mangroves, where successful, have largely concentrated on creation of plantations of mangroves
consisting of just a few species, and targeted for harvesting as wood products, or temporarily used to collect eroded soil and
raise intertidal areas to usable terrestrial agricultural uses. I document here the importance of assessing the existing hydrology
of natural extant mangrove ecosystems, and applying this knowledge to first protect existing mangroves, and second to achieve
successful and cost-effective ecological restoration, if needed. Previous research has documented the general principle that
mangrove forests worldwide exist largely in a raised and sloped platform above mean sea level, and inundated at approximately
30%, or less of the time by tidal waters. More frequent flooding causes stress and death of these tree species. Prevention of such
damage requires application of the same understanding of mangrove hydrology.
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