In my opinion, the effect of the sub-prime crisis was caused by the need to sell the property of the capitalist , but forgot that buyers than sellers bubble burst as the debt problems of the United States. This crisis caused the bubble in the housing market trading and repayment of the loan , the loan is a loan that exceeds the loan are thinking that they can borrow money easily. Because financial markets are lower lending standards . Proposed that lenders have an incentive to borrow . Such simple initial conditions and trends, home prices soared. Making the borrower can not repay it. Result of the low interest rates and capital inflows from foreign funds that can cause many lenders . And to make loans easier to get approved for a number of years before the crisis. Securing financing through the issuance of commercial instruments is difficult. The effects of the subprime crisis in terms consistent with the credit crunch will have a problem if house prices do not rise as expected. And floating interest rates began to rise. The seizure of assets in the U.S. grew rapidly from a documentary I have ever watched a televised lives of those who bought homes during the housing crisis that housing prices below cost, or can not go . residents if the house is not completed . I think in terms of significant effects , probably because no discussion of the government and capitalists but profit, so the impact on loan to the U.S. Post Office and can not be used the money to pay the debt. What caused the crisis may come from. High risk , such as credit Loans for people with no income, no job and no assets. Had no money to pay the debt because the initial low interest rate , high interest , and later nearly doubled. Many Americans believe that lax lending standards and it is because of moral issues . Subprime crisis causes panic in the financial sector and investors took money out of bonds related to credit risk and share price uncertainty. And led to the collection in the form of consumer goods instead of speculation in the futures price of the goods, the derivatives market afloat. Cause world food price crisis and the oil price speculators who want to return in the short term withdrawal of several trillion dollars of stocks and bonds. And led some to invest in food and raw materials .