10. You can get funding for your PGCE
This means you won’t have to dip into your savings like a Masters degree requires you to and if you choose to specialise in Maths, Physics, Chemistry or Computing you can get a scholarship of £25,000 to fund your PGCE!
9. There are special job sites out there for teachers
You’ve probably secured your jobs so far simply by handing in CVs and then waiting in hope for companies to call. Finding a teaching job is a little different. There are dedicated teaching job sites out there, such as EduStaff, which will help you secure a position.
8. Starting salary
The starting salary for a teacher is a lot higher than most industries. You will start on £22,023 (£27,543 in London) and can expect this to increase over time.
7. Holidays
Yep, you can still enjoy six weeks off during the summer and at least a couple of weeks during Christmas and Easter, as well as half term breaks too. But you should also be marking and planning lessons in this time too – you can do this in your pyjamas though, which is a bonus.
6. On the job training
Throughout your career you can get extra qualifications under your belt (first aid, extra curriculum activities), which means you can get involved more and really make the most of being a teacher.
5. You can be creative
It’s your responsibility to get your class up to the standard required but how you do so isn’t set in stone. Sure, there are Government guidelines to stick to but you can get really creative with your lesson plans. Take the class out to make a giant model of the solar system on the school field, get them to bring in an item from home to talk about, dress up in costume for a history lesson – the possibilities are endless.
4. You can still have fun
Many have this strange misconception that teachers are boring individuals who spend their evenings marking essays and correcting everyone’s grammar. This is most definitely not true. You can still go out at the weekend, eat out and pay a visit to the cinema on cheap night – but prepare to feel awkward if you see one of the kid’s parents while out. Especially if you’ve been partying.
3. You will have a favourite child
Remember when you were envious of that one kid in your class who the teacher always picked to take the register to the office in the morning? Well you will become that teacher who singles out that one student, who in your eyes is amazing.
2. You’ll also have a child you aren’t that fond of…
…and probably for no reason. Their voice, the way they sit, the way they style their hair. You won’t be able to explain it but they will just really irritate you.
1. You will witness hilarious test answers
Just take a look at some of these and pray that you have some comedians in your class. It will make those evenings marking more bearable.