1. The men in the crew met many hardships on their long trip into the Arctic, and they were worried and discouraged. But whenever the admiral appeared, their burden seemed easier and their hopes were lifted.
- What kind of person is the admiral? What clue helped you?
A. Jolly
B. Kind
C. Wise and capable
D. Dignified
2. Molly threw her coat over a chair, flew past her astonished parents to her own room, slammed the door, and flung herself face down on the bed.
- How does Molly fell? What clues revealed Molly's feelings?
A. Very tired
B. Bitterly disappointed
C. Frightened
D. Angry at her parents
- What kind of event might have happened to her?
3. The captain looked over the men gathered before him. “There'll be no mutiny on my ship! ” he announced, in a voice that was soft and deep but with a ring of grim determination.
- Describe the captain's character.
A. Stern and feared by the men
B. Peaceful
C. Has good judgment
D. Pleasant
- Why had the men gathered there? What clues gave you these inferences?
4. She spoke as if her tongue had been dipped in acid.
- How did she feel?
A. In pain
B. Sorry
C. Angry
D. Pleased and peaceful
- How did the people feel about the way she spoke? To what is her tongue being compared?
5. Even a tiny speck of dust on his carefully pressed uniform would receive his immediato attention.
- Describe his appearance as completely as you can imagine. What kind of person is he?
A. Carefully dressed in every particular
B. Had no dirt sports on his clothing
C. Wore a masquerade costume
D. Very careful in details, especially in small unimportant things
6. “You certainly did a wonderful job” commented Father, viewing the spilled paint.
- What does Father really mean? Is this statement exaggeration or sarcasm? What clue helped you?
A. You did a very good job.
B. You are a hight-skilled painter.
C. You did a terrible job.
D. You hurt my leg.