„Small girl such selected will flatter the human.” Qing Shui happy saying, then looks to Cānghǎi Míngyuè, the opposite party looks that Qing Shui said gently: „She looks like you.”
„Girl is so intelligent looks certainly like me” Qing Shui hey to say with a smile.
„Does not know to shame, the girl, looked that your father face thick-skinned is not thick.” Cānghǎi Míngyuè said with a smile toward Qing Yin of Qing Shui bosom, was puts out a hand to pinch her stiff small nose.
„Father, the face is thick-skinned, is not sensitive to cold.” The Qing Yin small hands is pinching the Qing Shui face happily was calling.
Qing Shui can only greet with a smile, the child does not know any meaning, knew warmly thick
Cānghǎi Míngyuè said the daughter to be intelligent, while smiles, the graceful smiling face adds on the Qing Shui index finger that atmospheric only beautiful appearance looks at to move greatly, the look and Cānghǎi Míngyuè bump into, give the look that she she has been able to understand, lets on the Cānghǎi Míngyuè face unconscious raising together light blushing.
Made an effort to be angry Qing Shui, Qing Shui has held Qing Yin to smile, but Cānghǎi Míngyuè does not dare with Qing Shui looking at each other, here also to have others, but two people saw among them moving.
Huoyun Liuli and Di Qing!
Hall people are many, in addition the child, here atmosphere is very therefore relaxing, moreover a little, except for Qing Shui, here formidable is the women, is Qing Shui has the relations, some are the Qing Shui people.
„Qing Shui, you planned that did go to Baima Aristocratic Family?” Di Chen walks to sit to Qing Shui by asks, Qing Shui sits on animal skin sofa that in may sit for three people together, the left is Cānghǎi Míngyuè, the right is Qing Bei, but between Qing Bei and Qing Shui have some distances, but after Di Chen sits, was just good.
After Di Chen sits down, felt that a little does not suit, she and Qing Shui relations, only then they are clear, among them is very intimate, hugged, has also kissed, but the bystander does not know that basically they were set.
Perhaps is the subconscious, after sitting down, Di Chen detected, on face a little non- nature, but saw after the look that Qing Shui that ponders, panting in indignation putting out a hand has turned on the Qing Shui waist.
These is makes other people know thoroughly that originally she is also the Qing Shui person, Di Qing knows, but Di Chen had not made Di Qing say, therefore other people cannot affirm that after all Qing Shui respects to this woman very much, among them the relations maintain is very good, is unable to look, although some people will also suspect.
Saw everybody's look, Di Chen cannot bear blush, Qing Shui of short distance with a smile visits her, little can see the look that she blushed bashfully, only then such several times.
„The elder sister Chen elder sister, you and elder brother Shui” Qing Bei is looking at Di Chen to say with a smile at the same time.