You wouldn't want to tag along your grandparents just to look around for a taxi, either.
You're right, I wouldn't want that.
I'll try to call the taxi company as soon as tomorrow!
Where's the nearest taxi stand from here?
If you're looking for a taxi stand, there's one each in front of the JR station and in front of the metro station.
I thought there was a taxi company with low fares. Would a taxi from that company be at the taxi stand in front of the station?
That taxi is rarely there.
If you want to take a taxi with low fares, it's quicker to call that taxi company and have one come over.
That way it might be more convenient to have it come to your house than to pick it up in front of the station.
Oh I see. By the way, do you have the number of the taxi company?
Yes, I know it. Shall I tell you?
Yes, please. Wait a moment while I take out my smartphone.
Okay, please tell me the number. I will add it to my phone address.
The phone number is 123-456-789, and the name of the company is Clover Taxi.
Excuse me, I want to take a taxi, so could you tell me where I can take one?
If you want a taxi, you go to the station and there should always be two or three of them waiting there.
Actually, someone of my family isn't feeling so well, so I want to take him to the hospital.
Only that I'd have to walk to the station for more than ten minutes.
I see. Then it might be faster to go out to the main street over there to wait for a cruising taxi.
There are plenty of cruising taxis around here.
Better than that, we should call for a taxi to come to your house.
Give me a second. I have the number of a taxi company in my cell phone so I'll call one for you.
You can go and prepare yourself to take your family to the hospital.
Excuse me. Is there a taxi stand at this station?
Yes there is. There's one right outside of the East gate.
You're at the West gate now, so you've come to the opposite side.
Oh, I see. So should I go to the West gate, then?
Yes, go straight this passage, and go down the stairs.
When you go down the stairs, there's the bus terminal right in front.
The taxi stand is on the left side of that.
So I go down the stairs, and go to the left side of the bus terminal. Thank you.