Whenever consumers consider buying fresh products, such as fruits,vegetables, and meat, color is used as a quality parameter. Evaluation of the product is based on earlier experiences, and expectations are set ac-cordingly (MacDougall & Hutchings, 2002) and therefore determines the purchase. This fact makes color evaluation an important factor in
not only quality control by the producer and manufacturer, but also
within research and product development. It is important that such
color evaluations are performed in a consistent and objective manner
to achieve reliable results (Wu & Sun, 2013). Important as well, is that
the color measurements reflect the human perception of color and
that they can be performed in a non-invasive manner. It is therefore
worthwhile investigating the current and future methods for meat
color assessment.
Whenever consumers consider buying fresh products, such as fruits,vegetables, and meat, color is used as a quality parameter. Evaluation of the product is based on earlier experiences, and expectations are set ac-cordingly (MacDougall & Hutchings, 2002) and therefore determines the purchase. This fact makes color evaluation an important factor innot only quality control by the producer and manufacturer, but alsowithin research and product development. It is important that suchcolor evaluations are performed in a consistent and objective mannerto achieve reliable results (Wu & Sun, 2013). Important as well, is thatthe color measurements reflect the human perception of color andthat they can be performed in a non-invasive manner. It is thereforeworthwhile investigating the current and future methods for meatcolor assessment.
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