Aspirins and penicillins which are the most widely used painkillers are not the world's most used drugs. In fact, a drug which is never prescribed by physicians is alcohol. Alcohol has been produced and consumed even before the dawn of civilization This colourless volatile liquid has been consumed by hundreds of millions people all through the ages. Even in this modern world. most people have taken it and some are even addicted to it. Alcohol is so common that its widespread use or abuse is a subject of intensive study for the medical field. Most farming products produce some form of alcoholic beverage. Beer and whisky are derived from the fermentation of grains. The fermentation of potatoes produce vodka. From fruit juices, we can get twine and cider. Even the early food gathering tribes knew how to ferment alcoholic beverages. Alcohol, unlike many other drugs, has direct action on the body. Its action is on the brain which controls the whole body's activities. People who take alcohol to"drown their sorrows' are making matters worse for themselves because alcohol acts as a depressant and not as a stimulant as believed. Unlike caffeine, it retards, rather than accelerates, the brain's control mechanisms. The depressant action of alcohol causes mild or serious disorganization, loss of muscular control, slurred speech and even death in some cases,