Based on table 1, it can be seen that respondents who chose the answer strongly agree were 41.6%, respondents who chose the answer agreed were 29.1%, respondents who chose not to agree were 20.6%, respondents who chose to disagree were 8.6 % and respondents who chose the answer strongly disagree was 0.1%. Of the total respondents answers there are as many as 70.7% of respondents who chose the answer strongly agree and agree where the percentage of the answer is between the assessment score of 70-79. This shows that human resource planning at PT. The Maju Bersama Supermarket in Medan is categorized as good, but from the overall respondents' answers there are 8.7% of respondents who choose the answers to disagree and strongly disagree. This shows that there are still weaknesses in the human resource planning system at PT. Supermarket Maju Bersama Medan, namely the lack of ability of the Human Resource department in planning and managing the placement of human resources effectively, the lack of deliberation before dismissing employees, and the lack of ability of the Human Resource department in analyzing the needs of employee positions before recruiting and placing.