Melbourne teacher stabbed in car park
A MELBOURNE teacher has been stabbed on her way to work after a tussle over her laptop.
JENNY Occleshaw, 52, was stabbed in the leg in a car park outside Collingwood College just before 7.30am on Thursday. She told Nine News on Thursday her male assailant, believed to be aged in his 20s, was wearing a dirty white hooded top and "smelt to high heaven".
"I was just getting out of my car and somebody approached me from behind and tried to take my laptop," she said."I hit my head on the roof of my car and he stabbed me in the leg.
"He smelt to high heaven, it really smell horrible."She said it was another example of violence against women."That's really upsetting thing for me... it's appalling."
The woman, who has been released from hospital, had one message for her attacker: "wash, and don't do it again". The man was described as about 175cm tall, with pale skin and a slim build. No one has been arrested at this stage and the investigation is ongoing, police say.