Optimal management of surgical wounds is an important part of
postoperative recovery. The aim of postoperative wound care is to facilitate
rapid wound closure, while preventing complications and promoting minimal
disturbance, to achieve the best functional and aesthetic results. Health
professionals should seek to optimise the process of acute wound healing,
observe progress, and prevent wound complications. Dressings that permit
extended wear time, and are transparent and so allow early recognition
without the need for unnecessary changes, have the potential to minimise
the effect on patients and the wider health economy. This article reviews
recommendations for surgical wound care, and introduces the recently
launched Leukomed Control dressing that is entirely transparent and allows
greater flexibility, breathability, and visualisation of the wound.
ABSTRACTOptimal management of surgical wounds is an important part ofpostoperative recovery. The aim of postoperative wound care is to facilitaterapid wound closure, while preventing complications and promoting minimaldisturbance, to achieve the best functional and aesthetic results. Healthprofessionals should seek to optimise the process of acute wound healing,observe progress, and prevent wound complications. Dressings that permitextended wear time, and are transparent and so allow early recognitionwithout the need for unnecessary changes, have the potential to minimisethe effect on patients and the wider health economy. This article reviewsrecommendations for surgical wound care, and introduces the recentlylaunched Leukomed Control dressing that is entirely transparent and allowsgreater flexibility, breathability, and visualisation of the wound.
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