After that I practiced ‘Holy Space’ for a bit, adjusting it repeatedly. And eventually I managed to keep the duration up while keeping its consumption to only 4,900 points of magic power.
Actually, I could lower the magic power even back when I first used it, but this magic takes a bit of skill. That so-called skill is the distribution of magic power. Without that, this magic won’t work.
When activating ‘Holy Space’, one needs to fill the designated space with magic power, while controlling that magic power with another force of magic power. If the magic power that controls the magic filling the space is too weak, then the magic power will leak out, causing the effect of the spell to weaken, fail, or consume more magic power.
After practicing the spell for a bit, I started to change the image in my mind from that of barrier magic to that of a balloon. After which, it became much easier to cast.
It’s thanks to my huge reservoir of magic power that I was able to train up to this point. After all, I was already close to my limits by the time I managed to properly keep my magic consumption in check. If it was a normal magician, it would’ve taken him at least several days.
According to Remiri-san, it’s possible to become so efficient at one’s control of magic, such that one would be able to cast magic with the same effect but at a lower cost. Right, I should continue to practice even more.
By the time I finished training, we were able to have our supper immediately because Sebasu-san made supper early.
After we finished eating, they talked about the godchild who created this canyon. They noticed how interested I was this morning, so since there was time to spare, they decided to talk about it.
Come to think of it, didn’t I remember something around that time? What was it again?
Ah, well… whatever. Let’s just hear their story first.
“Hmm… where should I start… The name of the godchild who created this canyon is Masaharu. That name has now become rather famous because of his tyranny though.” [Rheinbach]
“Tyranny?” [Ryouma]
At that question, Shiva-san answered.
“Yes, tyranny. You know that he appeared when the country was in dire straits, right?” [Shiva]
“Yes, I’ve heard of it.” [Ryouma]
“At that time, the king was desperate to break through that situation, so he wished to gain the power of that godchild at all costs. So much so that he ceased to care about appearances.
So the king spread a lie that the godchild was his illegitimate child, gave him a cordial welcome, and then bound him to the country as part of his war chest.” [Shiva]
So that otherworlder, Masaharu, became royalty, huh?
“There were three children before the king, so it was believed that there would be little chance of Masaharu becoming the king. But then one of them was betrayed by his allies, while another went out to war to encourage the soldiers, only for himself to die. And the last one was killed by an assassin from an opposing country. Then the king himself after winning the war through the use of his adopted child that he turned into knight-commander, and after making use of another godchild, died of illness right after the war.” [Shiva]
“So, then… No way…” [Ryouma]
Shiva-san silently nodded, then he continued,
“Masaharu inherited the throne.” [Shiva]
Seriously? Didn’t anyone protest?
“Of course, there were those who were against Masaharu becoming the king. But after the war, he was hailed as a hero because of his achievements. And even the commoners were aware that he was the king’s illegitimate child, so rather than find some reason to take the position from him, it was decided that it would be best for him to become king instead.” [Shiva]
Then Remiri-san interjected, adding,
“The nobles then thought to turn Masaharu into a puppet. After all, despite his power, he was a coward and an obedient man.” [Remiri]
There’s no doubt about it, that Masaharu is the peerless otherworlder magician. A hero, and at the same time, an otherworlder and a coward. It’s exactly as what I’d heard from Gayn’s group.
After that, I asked them how Masaharu acted, and apparently he did whatever he wanted. So I guess he really was a tyrant.
But then again, although it wasn’t implemented, he did try to enact a number of policies, such as compulsory education, free healthcare, and pension for those who can’t work.
That kind of thinking isn’t strange at all for someone like me who lives in modern Japan. But as for whether this world can understand that way of thinking or not is another story. There were many who protested against him, and he met those with his two powers as a king and as a powerful magician, silencing any who stood against him.
“The nobles who plotted to turn Masaharu into a puppet, were left unable to do anything but find ways to compromise with the king.” [Shiva]
The man they were against was not only the man who saved the country, but also the man who could overturn the battlefield with his magic alone. Moreover, each time he would leave for war, he would say, “I’ve casted a self-destruct magic on myself. So if ever I should die, I’ll be taking the opposing nations with me.” Whether that self-destruct magic of his could take the other nations with him is true or not, it was a fact that his magic was beyond the understanding of people, so no one tried to do anything foolish.
The one exception was the other godchild who was referred to as a hero. His name was Shuu. He was a strong knight wholeheartedly trusted by Masaharu. And unlike the other nobles, he didn’t fear Masaharu, and exchanged opinions with him.
It was he who aided Masaharu and mediated between him and the nobles; an irreplaceable person that allowed compromises to be made.
“In the end, it wasn’t until four years later until Masaharu was to be succeeded. During one of his trips, an assassin attacked him, and he died. The only thing that remained of him was a giant hole that’s believed to be the effect of his self-destruct magic. Of course, neither the assassin or the servants, or the escort knights, or the horses and the carriages were left. Not a scar, nor trace could be seen. All of them had vanished.” [Shiva]
An assassin, huh? ………… It’s true that Masaharu might be a tyrant, but it’s not like I don’t understand his feelings… His methods might have been bad, but I can’t deny him either without hearing his side first.
An academy was built in the capital instead of the compulsory education. And the fact that anyone can enter as long as they pay the fees seems to be very much like him. So it’s not like he didn’t anything for the people at all.
There are many good people who’s helped me out, but for Masaharu, he might have had no one else but Shuu beside him. And even if he did become a part of the royal family by his own will, he was still only wanted for his power. After he became king by chance, the nobles tried to turn him into a puppet. If I was in his place, I too would have relied on my powers alone, and tried to threaten others to protect myself.
After I thought those things, I said,
“Rheinbach-sama, Sebasu-san, truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything.” [Ryouma]
They were startled at my words, but continuing, I said,
“I just realized it now, but I’m really glad that the first people I met were members of the Jamil Household.” [Ryouma]
Continuing, I told them that I imagined myself in a situation where I had no allies, surrounded only by people who wanted to take advantage of me. Hearing that, the two understood.
“There’s really no reason for you to be grateful, you know? And besides, Elia’s been much more cheerful since meeting you, Ryouma-kun.” [Rheinbach]
“Really? So Elia…!” [Ryouma]
Oh, right! What I remembered this afternoon was Elia! Elia’s ancestor is that peerless magician, meaning Masaharu should be her ancestor according to Gayn. But wait a moment… If that’s the case, then… madam is royal family? …But then again, they are the household of a duke, so I suppose it’s not that weird.
“Something the matter?” [Sebasu]
Suddenly stopping mid-sentence, Sebasu-san became concerned, but I just told him that it was nothing.