It has
been suggested that, at their natural levels, polar lipids stabilize gas
cells in bread dough during late fermentation and early baking
(Mills et al., 2003; Sroan & MacRitchie, 2009). However, it would be
wrong to assume that all of these polar lipids are present in DL. It
may well be that the majority of polar lipids that are bound to or
entrapped in the gluten network during dough mixing (Chung &
Tsen, 1975; Gerits et al., 2013) only become available for gas cell
stabilization during baking (Koehler, 2001).
It hasbeen suggested that, at their natural levels, polar lipids stabilize gascells in bread dough during late fermentation and early baking(Mills et al., 2003; Sroan & MacRitchie, 2009). However, it would bewrong to assume that all of these polar lipids are present in DL. Itmay well be that the majority of polar lipids that are bound to orentrapped in the gluten network during dough mixing (Chung &Tsen, 1975; Gerits et al., 2013) only become available for gas cellstabilization during baking (Koehler, 2001).
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