a b s t r a c tA total of 45 children's toys and jewelry were tested for total and bioaccessible metal concentrations.Total As, Cd, Sb, Cr, Ni, and Pb concentrations were 0.22e19, 0.01e139, 0.1e189, 0.06e846, 0.14e2894and 0.08e860,000 mg kg1. Metallic products had the highest concentrations, with 3e7 out of 13samples exceeding the European Union safety limit for Cd, Pb, Cr, or Ni. However, assessment based onhazard index >1 and bioaccessible metal showed different trends. Under saliva mobilization or gastricingestion, 11 out of 45 samples showed HI >1 for As, Cd, Sb, Cr, or Ni. Pb with the highest total concentrationshowed HI <1 for all samples while Ni showed the most hazard with HI up to 113. Our datasuggest the importance of using bioaccessibility to evaluate health hazard of metals in children's toys andjewelry, and besides Pb and Cd, As, Ni, Cr, and Sb in children's products also deserve attention.Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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