Current generation is stared to change. State unit also start to big size and the authority more liable duties too included government official is liable for any parts not only middle sector, region sector but also local sector. The barrier between government officials and government officer or state officer and people is more on going. One part is happened by misunderstand. The law is not covered the law enforcement caused the barrier then more. This research is taken those problems and studied the core of law then analyzed and compared to international law also proposed to improve and revise hence it is fair for any unit and to create the efficiency in law enforcement then.The objectives of this research study are: 1) to study about history, evolution, guidance of concept, theory related to tort liability of officials, 2) to study about the model and process of tortious liability of officicals and the recourse right of officials, 3) to study The Kingdom of Thailand law and international law related to tortious liability, and 4) to analyze the barrier of law related to tortious liability of officials.