dispute resolution services includes the provision of answers to questions by
members of the public about discrimination and compliance with this Act
employer, in Part 2, includes—
(a) the employer of an independent contractor; and
(b) the person for whom work is done by contract workers under a contract
between that person and the person who supplies those contract workers;
(c) the person for whom work is done by an unpaid worker
employment agreement has the meaning given to that term by section 5 of the
Employment Relations Act 2000
employment contract has the meaning given to that term by section 2 of the
Employment Contracts Act 1991
general manager means the general manager of the Commission appointed by
the Chief Commissioner under section 18; and includes any acting general
manager of the Commission
Human Rights Review Tribunal or Tribunal means the Tribunal continued
by section 93
Minister means the Minister of Justice
Office of Human Rights Proceedings or Office means the office referred to in
section 20
prohibited ground of discrimination has the meaning given to it by section
relative, in relation to any person, means any other person who—
(a) is related to the person by blood, marriage, civil union, de facto relationship,
affinity, or adoption; or
s 2 Human Rights Act 1993
Reprinted as at
15 June 2016