Lesson COG 47
Task: Write name in cursive.
Prerequisites: ADT 6, COG 37, COG 46
Concept: Although cursive writing is a more difficult skill than printing, it is often used. A student's signature is probably the best example of that usage. This lesson seeks to develop an association between the printed letter (COG 46) and the cursive action.
Behavioral Objective: When requested to "write your name," the student will write his or her first and last names in a cursive style that is 90% legible for 20 trials.
Materials: Various-size markers and paper.
Task Analysis:
1. Review with the student his or her ability to recognize his or her printed name and prompt the student to print that name (see prerequisites COG 37 and COG 46).
2. Using the outcome of Step 1, demonstrate to the student the cursive form of writing the first and last names, placing your example immediately below the printed sample.
3. Modify Step 2, physically guiding the student to drawing in a cursive style his or her first and last names beneath the sample that he or she printed.
4. Continue Step 3, reducing physical guidance until only step-by-step verbal requests are needed.
5. Prompt the student to "please write your name" and guide him or her as needed through the process without the use of the printed sample.
6. Reduce all guidance and continue until objective is met.