(a)Gibbons, such as this muller’s gibbon, are found only in southeastern Asia. Their very long arms and fingers are adaptations for brachiating (swinging by the arms from branch to branch).
(b)Orangutans are shy apes that live in the rainforests of Sumatra and borneo. They spend most of their time in trees; note the foot adapted for grasping and the opposabie thumb.
(c)Gorillas are the largest apes; some males are almost 2 m tall and weigh about 200 kg. Found only in Africa, these herbivores usually live in groups of up to about 20 individuals.
(d)Chimpanzees live in tropical Africa. They feed and sleep in trees but also spend a great deal of time on the ground. Chimpanzees are intelligent, communicative, and social.
(e)Bonobos are in the same genus (pan) as chimpanzees but are smaller. They survive today only in the African nation of Congo.
Figure 34.44 Nonhuman apes.