Identification of defects
(9) This elevation demonstrates the defects of material on the façade. It divided in 3 parts as upper (roof and small spire), middle (ringing chamber) and lower path (first chamber). Overall, the defects are more likely to be in the middle and upper path due to cause of humidity by the grave tree.
In term of roof covering as clay tiles and small spire, the photograph demonstrates many defects on materials as moss growth, vegetation and erosion. Those of factors are the main issue to deterioration of the material. The moss and lichen growth (green) occurs on the clay tiles due to the enormous grave tree close to the tower that shades and covers to all of top of the tower.
On ringing chamber: timber shows mould structural failure (purple), a painting slipped out from the timber and arched windows. But the slipped out of painting might be cause by raining or climate change due to the defect on the material are not occur whole timber. This issue is not occur on the top of ringing chamber.