(with and without) was sub
plot treatment and replicated three
times. The 8 new cultivars/accessions were Kakamega 1,
Kakamega 3, Uganda L 14, Machakos hairless, Soghor Nandi L 13,
Kitui L 7, Ex
Mariakani and Kakamega 8 and the four
recommended cultivars were Bana, Frenc
h Cameroon, Clone 13
and Pakistan hybrid. Experimental plots dimensions were 2 m × 3 m
with a 1 m border between plots and 2 m path between replicates.
Napier grass was planted using root splits at an inter
and intra
spacing of 100 and 100 cm, respecti
vely, giving a total of 12 stools
per plot. The fertilizer treatments were planted using recommended
fertilizer rate (26 kg P ha
at planting and 60 kg N ha
annual top
dress. The experiment was conducted for two growing
seasons in 2001 and 2002. After establishment, Napier grass was
cut back 3 months after planting and there after it was cut after
every 8 weeks for data collection. During the establishmen
t year in
2001 there were three cuts, whereas in 2002 there were six cuts.