Wondering what kind of abdominal inflammation, appendicitis.
Appendicitis is an inflammation acute inflammatory abdominal disease is found most often. Occur to people of all ages Find as many as 7% of the population, most often found in children until the age of work. Medical generally tell each other that it is a disease that should be vigilant, because there may be multiple symptoms, even the doctors themselves sometimes before a special investigation to understand themselves as an intestinal inflammation there.
Appendix 3D laparoscopic
The first period pain like cramping in General Everything will feel pain in General. Tell us where, of course, is not. Many people say pain stomach pain or disease-like condition around the belly button is at all times. Early man may not bong much pain.
The cause of appendicitis is usually inflammation caused by obstruction of appendicitis. The food we eat to become feces erections make higher voltages in appendicitis. Bacteria degrade themselves. Born in the inflammation that causes us pain occurred when appendicitis is very poor access to inflammation causes the wall in front of the ongdan in our cause inflammation followed by appendicitis or broken, we can tell how much pain in any area. The pain will be more specifically the right abdominal area is often symptoms of appetite. Nausea or vomiting may follow with a fever. Some people have diarrhoea urine burning scrub.
Therefore, An important observation point, there is very little stomach pain 6 hours sometimes, especially the right to question it. If appendicitis is inflammation. Doctors detected should be received as soon as possible Don't try to eat the drug treatment itself, because it makes it more difficult to diagnose, and if left until the inflammation will cause appendicitis has varied. There are many more complications.
If we had been diagnosed as appendicitis or not, whether the inflammation. Currently, the standard treatment is surgery, and medication in conjunction with chiwana, which is now. Appendicitis is inflammation by laparoscopic surgery will have a small wound that punch to the abdomen, just 1-3 hole punch, make 1-2 days, it can be important to return home. Day dawn to walk at all. No pain, just the same for their traditional open abdominal surgery.