Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) is one of the important fruit crops of the subtropical region. The fruit ishighly perishable in nature and losses its commercial value within 1–2 days after harvest due to pericarpbrowning and deterioration in fruit quality. In the present study, effect of postharvest treatment withsalicylic acid (0.5 mM and 1.0 mM) and chitosan (2%) on reducing pericarp browning and preservingfunctional and sensory quality of litchi fruit was investigated. Physiologically mature litchi fruits (cv.Purbi) were treated with salicylic acid (0.5 mM and 1.0 mM) and chitosan (2%) alone or in combinationby dipping method for 5 min. Following treatments, fruits were air-dried and stored at 4◦C for 6 days.The results showed that among the applied treatments, salicylic acid (1.0 mM) in combination withchitosan (2%) was highly effective in reducing pericarp browning, weight loss, decay loss and maintaininghigher anthocyanins, phenolics, flavonoids, ascorbic acid and antioxidant capacity than control fruits. Thistreatment showed 1.4-fold lower pericarp browning, 1.6-fold lower weight loss and 6.7-fold lower decayloss than control. It also maintained 88% higher anthocyanin, 47% higher total phenolics, 29% highertotal flavonoids and 35% higher total antioxidant capacity than control fruits. It also delayed increase intotal soluble solids content in litchi fruit during storage. There was no significant effect of treatments ontitratable acidity during storage but ascorbic acid content was maintained higher in treated fruits. Thus,combination treatment of 1.0 mM salicylic acid and 2% chitosan can be used to reduce pericarp browningand preserving quality of litchi fruit during postharvest storage.