Description. Fairly large loricariids, largest specimen 176.7 mm SL. Body elongate,
fairly narrow, and dorsoventrally flattened. Head and anterior part of trunk gently sloped
from snout tip to dorsal-fin origin, dorsal profile of body straight to adipose fin with slight
decrease in depth, dorsal profile of caudal peduncle very concave, shallowest at posterior
insertion of adipose fin. Ventral surface flat.
Description. Fairly large loricariids, largest specimen 176.7 mm SL. Body elongate,
fairly narrow, and dorsoventrally flattened. Head and anterior part of trunk gently sloped
from snout tip to dorsal-fin origin, dorsal profile of body straight to adipose fin with slight
decrease in depth, dorsal profile of caudal peduncle very concave, shallowest at posterior
insertion of adipose fin. Ventral surface flat.
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