sleep furiously a sentence that has been
used quite often in linguistics
is this sentence grammatical on not
I'm not giving the answer here let's
look at the next branch
the branch that deals with meaning and
here of course
in this Big Branch we could look at the
meaning of words
or sentences in the branch
referred to us semantics so interesting
questions could on the one hand be
what is the relationship between item
such as wide and narrow
it is certainly different from the
relationship all
between the two items julep and flower
all we could OSC term about sentences
such as
mamie failed her exam even though she
didn't work at all
well what a strange well this is the
logic behind
such a sentence is discussed under the
heading of
sentence semantics
now pragmatics
is an even wider area which is it is the
branch of linguistics that studies the
use of language and its sixth effects
it is concerned with the meanings that
sentence is having particular contexts
in which they are of it what do you
think about this sentence
I'll come to your party
well depending on the relationship
between me and you
it could be a promise all
if you'd rather dispense with my
it could be a warning I leave it up to
now having an idea about the object of
namely language and
the branches of linguistics a
fundamental question remains to be
why the hell should you study
couldn't you say him my mother tongue
is English German Dutch or whatever
doesn't that fifth suffice is not good
well let's find out the answer to this
I will give you six examples which
should motivate you
to study linguistics more examples can
be found
on the virtual linguistics compass he
was the first question
which can be referred to under the
heading of language awareness
do native speakers those speakers who
claim to know language
of know enough about their language
what do germans say when they want to
translate what cheese into German
this a keyser or cares
well linguists will tell you whyy they
have the choice
and on what sort of principles this
can be based what about the English word
ain't well
is it a colloquial a standard feature on
on not isn't confined to particular
regions well these are questions
of language awareness
another interesting question deals with
language impairment what happens
when the use of language is impaired
well you would certainly consult someone
who can apply: remedial method
AHA a linguist a speech therapist
with profound linguistic background so
he linguistic
linguistics comes into action
and then if you look at computers for
now white columned computers use
language as we do