The original of The Philippines is on the new stone age also do not get the influence of India civilization China civilization and another counties in Southeast Asia. The original inhabitants are ethnic Indonesia-Malaysia. Which immigrants came to the island in The Philippines. The settlers then come by the boat, as a group each group dispersed to the village called Barangay according name of the boat that use immigrants. Have head of village his name Datu whichever is Captain. The village will be distributed to the island. The contact between each other does not. The government is the father parents. Administrative structure was simple. There are four classes is Da Du, taking care of the family, noble, independent public slaves. In the section of the law and administrative regulations a magician was influential in society. Believed to have the highest world creator is Bathala is ceremony scheduled for the spirits. Because geography is as follows and nature of the islands The Philippines has a natural disaster been repeatedly making wizards. Magician influence more people.