Good night Yuva.
Well, Roxy has been picked up and all is well. She was very excited to see Craig and Meaw. In
fact she was so excited, she could not decide which one to go to. So she bounced back and forth!
Roxy was indeed a very happy camper to see her family again!
Thank you for all the gifts! They are all very nice and thoughtful. Brooke especially liked the slippers.
She is looking forward to getting home from work tonight so she can put them on and rest her feet!
Me, I liked the key ring. It was very thoughtful and I am putting it to use already.
As for opinions. Regardless of who or what it is, you should always feel free to share any opinions you
may have. If we place exceptions on what and where we can say things, we will only be putting up
obstacles to cause grief. And the last thing I want to have is any obstacles between us. I may not like
what you have to say, but I do have to respect it and your right to voice it. The beauty of free speech!
And one I have shed blood for, so I truly uphold that right . At least here in the US and in my personal
Looks like Thailand played the Philippines to a draw in a AFF Suzuki Cup semi-final clash. Because
it was played in the Philippines, it is considered a benefit for Thailand. The two will play each other in
Thailand next. The only other article mentioned I could not get to. It was an article about the two different
sides on the political front for Thailand.
Pleasant dreams and sleep well. I think of you always!
Hugs & Kisses