1. Majority of the respondents belong to the age group of 26-35
2. Majority of the respondents are Post Graduates
3. Majority of the respondents belong to the income group of Below Rs.10, 000
4. Majority of the respondents prefer to buy Ear rings
5. Majority of the respondents purchase jewellery whenever any occasion comes
6. Majority of the respondents prefer Divine Collection.
7. Majority of the respondents are aware of the branded jewellery products through
8. Majority of the respondents opined that quality is the major important factor
influenced them towards branded jewellery products.
9. There is significant relationship between preference for type of ornaments and
age of the consumers.
10. There is significant relationship between preference for type of ornaments and
qualification of consumers or preference for type of ornaments is dependent on
educational qualification of consumers.
11. There is significant relationship between preference for type of ornaments and
income of the consumers.