My boyfriend has been talking me into getting a hedgehog for awhile now- namely because he still lives with his parents. My answer is a loose "no". Here's an "essay" he wrote- Is any of this information correct? Should I consider? I would forever be in your debt if you could help me at this crucial moment in my life.
There are many aspects regarding a hedgehog that concern some people. However, owning a hedgehog can be beneficial, such as bearing responsibility, learning how to take care of animals, and the comfort one brings into the home. Hedgehogs aren’t pungent wild animals, but clean, loving family members. Some might interject and say, “why don’t you wait until you are 18 and have your own house?”, my response to that overused cliche is, didn’t you have an animal or task which taught yourself different aspects of responsibilities that you have mastered today? Hedgehogs are not related to porcupines at all, they are related to the shrew. A hedgehog in domestication is far less likely to be a “nuisance or a burden” than to be a lovable pet. Hedgehogs can be litter box trained, they are fairly inexpensive to keep, and they give unconditional love once “warmed up” to their human counterparts. Some might wonder if hedgehogs smell. The honest answer is “yes” but in comparison to their animal kingdom counterparts such as ferrets,mice,hamsters, and even dogs, the answer is not really. The ability for a hedgehog to be a loving family member can be attributed to it’s domestication and background. The only way a hedgehog to defend itself is to use it’s sharp spines. Once this boundary of intimidation and shyness subside, a hedgehog is one of the kindest organisms one could ever fathom. Some parents may argue that “we have too many animals” or “why don’t you get one after you go to college”. Their use of circular logic is unable to coincide with the logic behind actually getting a hedgehog. The response to such question is that one only has an allotted amount of time before “real life” kicks in and one would be unable to care and love for such a wonderful creature, a hedgehog is not an “animal”, simply a pet.