Expression of the HA protein in insect cells using recombinantbaculovirus avoids the need to work with potentially pathogenic,live influenza viruses, and the attendant biocontainment issues.The Protein Sciences production process for making highly puri-fied recombinant HA protein influenza vaccine has been shown tobe robust, scaleable, and capable of rapid response to new influenzastrains. The process could be run in many existing large scale cellculture facilities with very little modification. The technology canreadily be transferred to different facilities at different scales ofoperation. The HA made at the 2500 L scale was comparable to thatfrom the 650 L scale. This has major implications for rapid world-wide response to a pandemic influenza epidemic [20–22]. The onlystarting point needed is the DNA sequence for making HA protein.In fact, this particular example was a more difficult challengebecause the Bioreactor to be retrofitted was previously used foranaerobic microbial processes. In the case of an existing cell culturefacility there would be no need to change the Bioreactor designitself. The main retrofit for a standard CHO based cell culture facilitywould be to install a tank for generation of baculovirus seed and inthis example this capability was accomplished using a Single UseBioreactor. This should be sized as a Bioreactor 50 times smallerthan the main bioreactor.The Universal Process is based on simple technology. Anychange in parameters beyond that agreed to be the FDA is basedon a change control procedure. Therefore, changes in process suchas implementation of fed-batch cell culture to improve productivityseveral fold must be implemented in a regulated step wise methodunder this system. The great advantage to this approach is that newHA protein antigens can quickly gain licensure so long as there isno deviation from the licensed process.With traditional egg based manufacturing, the virus is alteredvia a series of adaptations which have the goal of increasing pro-ductivity. It appears that for the 2012 –2013 influenza vaccinecampaign, these process improvements resulted in mutations inthe HA protein and a loss of vaccine effectiveness [8]. This problemis not encountered by the process described here to make recombi-nant HA. The natural HA sequence of the virus can be used withoutthe need for mutation.