* First and foremost, your job is to make sure host child is safe!
* Never leave him alone when he is under your care. Host child always needs adult supervision.
* You should always know where he is and be near him.
* If he is playing outside, he should always be in your sight. Please do not get distracted while talking to someone and take your eyes off of host child.
* He must never be left alone for any reason while he is outside. You must be with him at all times. He may not play on the sidewalk or the street unless you have him by the hand or you are within touching distance.
* Never allow him to go into anyone’s house without you or play out of your sight.
* Never give host child to anyone you don’t know no matter what they tell you.
* Always protect yourself and host child above everything else, money and possessions can be replaced.
* Always take your Au Pair family phone with you when going outside with host child.
* Always make sure to apply sunscreen to host child before going out and to make sure that he takes and wears his hat to protect the top of his head. (He has fair skin and can burn easily).
* When riding his bike or motorized car, he needs to wear a helmet/protective gear (knee pads and elbow pads).
* Host child is a beginning swimmer and is taking year round swim lessons. We always keep within touching distance of host child when he is in the water, even if there is a lifeguard on duty.
* We have an issue with deer ticks in our area that cause Lyme disease, which can cause a serious illness with long lasting effects. We are careful to wear long pants, stay on paths, and avoid wild places with tall grass. When we come in from nature walks, we do a tick check.
* We also watch out for poison ivy which can cause a painful rash and itching.
* Host child loves our dogs. But, there are a number of dogs in our neighborhood who spend some time outside in their yards during the day that are equipped with “invisible” electronic fences. When excited, the dogs can break through their “fence” and run and jump at people passing by. While host child is still small, we want to avoid having him lunged at by a big dog. We teach him to be cautious around big dogs that can be unpredictable.
* In an emergency, call 9-1-1 for an ambulance and/or fire truck. Then, call host mom and host grandmom right away.
* Other emergency phone numbers (our neighbors, etc.) are posted in the kitchen cabinet.
* The host family will show you all dangerous/off limits areas in house/yard (any poisonous shrubs, garage tools, cleaning products). Host child should not go to the basement unless he is with you.
* Host child should stay out of the unfinished part of the basement.
* No climbing or jumping off the sofa or other furniture.
* No throwing balls in the house.
* If we ask to you drive host child in the car, he may only travel in his car safety or booster seat
* If we ask you to drive host child, carefully check that he is buckled into his car seat correctly!!!
* The host family will instruct you on proper use of children’s car seat and seat belts. Never leave host child in (or around) the car alone. Not even for 1 minute – it is against the LAW.
* Before anyone drives host child in the car, they must have our permission.
* Be sure to practice safe driving- keep speeds low especially when host child is in the car.