Output is data that has been processed into a
useful form. That is, computers process data
(input) into information (output). The form of
output varies, depending on the hardware and
software being used and the requirements of the
user. Monitors, traditional notebook computers,
netbooks, Tablet PCs, portable media players,
smart phones, digital cameras, and other mobile
devices have screens that allow users to view
An output device is any type of hardware
component that conveys information to one or
more people.
Output is data that has been processed into auseful form. That is, computers process data(input) into information (output). The form ofoutput varies, depending on the hardware andsoftware being used and the requirements of theuser. Monitors, traditional notebook computers,netbooks, Tablet PCs, portable media players,smart phones, digital cameras, and other mobiledevices have screens that allow users to viewdocumentsTextGraphicAudioVideoAn output device is any type of hardwarecomponent that conveys information to one ormore people.
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