Week of preparation for the oral examination. Activity for this week is to watch the video of the other friends and then make comments to suggestions and comments about the show what they need to communicate.
After a last week, the students submitted a video in which it is a four-piece group. In a statement this week that students need to make friends all commented video? The comments are required to watch the video to the end of each story to be aware of the errors or the accuracy of the work. The comments in the video are written opinions about working in the video, and if you have suggestions, comments should be positive for guidance in resolving it. The issue is to identify the benefits of watching videos. I think that has been watching videos of other groups are a good thing because we can learn how to work with other groups. Which I think it was a mutual exchange of ideas. It is this mutual sharing contribution it can make recommendations and suggestions to the shortcomings in the work of others to achieve the development of the portfolio in the future. For bringing their work to others watching, I thought it was transmitted and to educate them. Moreover, it is also advice about their work to improve our work in the next week. Following completion of the comments the video, but there is still important work of this week pending. That was in preparation for the oral examination, a report on the lessons learned from past events. Professor explained about preparing the presentation. To summarize all activities as a whole or focus on the core issues that is beneficial to the learning of our own. Professor explained about preparing the presentation to summarize all activities as a whole or focus on the core issues that are beneficial to the learning of our own. My group therefore conducted a meeting for all members to think and work plan for the presentation on the topic. A group of us got together to share ideas and share a brief overview of all activities then dividing the content that is presented to members of the memorization. I was excited and nervous about this because it will be presented to the class in front of all your friends. However, I will do it to the best. A flashback to an overview of recent events, it is resurrecting memories of me. I know that the teachers already know why so that students write journal that was to record their work and learning of me to analyze what they have learned that it is good and very helpful. It is useful for applying to work in the future.
For viewing and comment the work of other groups, I think it is a guide to help him develop his work even further. Which I think it's share and help each other. The summary of work activities, it is very nice as well, because it brings memories to take what they have learned to good use.